Perks and benefits can sometimes make up for so-so base pay. 奖金和福利有时可以弥补一般般的基本工资。
At the job fairs, Yu finally lands an interview for a sales position with a monthly base pay of1,000 yuan. 在招聘会上,于敏最终得到一个月基本工资1000元的销售职位的面试机会。
With a lower base pay, research shows they may never catch up. 研究显示,由于基本工资更低,他们也许永远也赶不上以前毕业生的水平。
Limiting overtime is a particularly challenging issue in Chinese factories as many workers prefer overtime as a way to improve their often low base pay. 在中国的工厂里,限制加班时间是一件特别具有挑战性的事情,原因是有许多工人愿意加班,视其为提高自己收入的一种手段。这些工人的基本工资往往较低。
But much of this has come in cash bonuses, not in the base pay that gives workers lasting confidence. 但很多是以现金奖金的形式发放,而非让员工获得长久信心的基本工资。
Even though the figures are relatively small, economists took the news positively, noting that higher base pay will also further boost overtime rates and bonus payments and would have a larger net effect. 尽管工资上调幅度相对较小,但经济学家们对这些加薪消息持肯定态度,他们指出,基本工资上调还将进一步促进加班费和奖金上调,将产生更大的实际效果。
With the bodies expected to return to the United States on Tuesday, there has been speculation top officials might travel to Dover Air Force Base to pay tribute to the service members. 这些遗体预计周二能返回美国,也有猜测认为高层官员可能会到多佛空军基地对这些服务过国家的成员表示敬意。
Your benefit premium is the additional amount over and above base pay which is provided to help fund your benefits. 福利津贴指的是基本工资以外,高于基本工资,用来自主所享福利的额外收入。
Base pay is the master element in total rewards system. 工资是整体薪酬体系的主体部分。
According to the state council "female worker labor protection sets" the4th regulation, enterprise "pregnancy must not be conceived in female worker, produce period, lactation lowers its base pay, perhaps remove labor contract". 根据国务院《女职工劳动保护规定》第四条的规定,企业“不得在女职工怀孕期、产期、哺乳期降低其基本工资,或者解除劳动合同”。
With the main clue to total rewards system, an in-depth discussion of the total rewards and pay for performance, design of an employee base pay program. 此次中智人事经理沙龙将围绕整体薪酬回报体系展开,通过介绍整体薪酬回报体系的设计流程、员工工资的设计以及绩效薪酬方案展开更深入的讨论。
Foxconn's shock announcement this month that it would double base pay for some of its workers may not hurt consumers but it is likely to lead to a fresh round of labour relocation within China. 富士康(Foxconn)本月宣布将把部分工人的基本工资上调一倍。这一令人震惊的声明或许不会伤及消费者利益,但它可能导致中国新一轮的劳动力转移。
Many banks have implemented significant rises in base pay for bankers over the past year, in numerous cases doubling salaries to pre-empt expected cuts in payouts. 许多银行都在过去一年大幅提高了银行家的底薪,其中很多都是翻番增加,以求在预期中的降薪趋势前率先行动。
In fact, base pay can be as little as 2 an hour. 实际上,基本工资可能低至每小时2英镑。
If it's been a while since your base pay was adjusted, this ploy might work. 如果你的基础薪水调剂之后有一段时光了,这个策略可能会奏效。
What should be the proper mix of base pay, short-term incentive, long-term incentive, and benefITs in the compensation plan? 在薪酬计划中,基本工资、短期奖励、长期奖励和福利应各占多少比例?
The cable companies offer a significant installed base of pay television subscribers and fast data rates using their cable modem technology as they expand their services into data and voice communications. 在将其业务扩展到数据和语音通讯的同时,有线电视公司形成了非常重要的收费电视用户安装基础,并设定了使用现代有线技术的高速数据费率。
In response to the EU legislation linking the size of bonuses to base pay, the draft regulations call on banks to set a maximum ratio between salary and bonuses. 为回应把奖金与基本工资挂钩的欧盟立法,上述草案呼吁银行设定工资与奖金的比率上限。
Though they both agree the competitive base pay is the most important reason, they differ greatly in the second to forth important reasons. 他们都认为具竞争力的底薪是最重要的原因。但他们对排在第二至第四重要原因的看法有很大分歧。
In addition, all do not get the minimum wage standard that sets under this city by base of pay of vacation of above principle calculative. 此外,按以上原则计算的假期工资基数均不得低于本市规定的最低工资标准。
The straight-time base pay in logging camps and sawmills is now$ 1.80 an hour. 现在伐木场和锯木场的基本工资是每小时1.80美元。
This includes board band base pay structure scheme, piece work incentive scheme, monthly bonus scheme and year end bonus scheme. 其中包括宽带结构的基本工资方案,计件奖金方案,月度奖金方案、终奖金方案。
You are still getting a base pay because you're not an ass-kisser. 你到现在还是领底薪而已,因为你不是个马屁精。
The Effects of Base Pay and Variable Pay on Manager Behavior 变动报酬与固定报酬对经理行为的影响
After the reform, the company carries out the laborage system of the post benefit in different grades; the main contents are made up of base pay, post pay, performance encouragement and special allowance. 改革后公司实行岗位效益等级工资制度,其内容主要由基本工资、岗位工资、绩效奖励和特殊津贴所组成。
In the era of Knowledge Economy, the competition for the talents is very fierce. Base pay is one of the most important measures to attract, retain and motivate the employees. Thus it is kind of investment in the Human Capital. 在知识经济时代,人才竞争日趋激励,工资作为对人力资本的投资,是企业吸引人才、留住人才、激励员工的重要手段。
Based on the re-designed corporate pension system, based on the enterprise annuity companies function of positioning, designed by the enterprise employees and pay standards, employee base pay, seniority and performance parameters as the insured, the additional supplementary corporate pension incentives. 本文在重新设计企业年金制度时,基于公司对企业年金功能的定位,分别设计了员工和企业的缴费标准,将员工缴费基数、工龄和绩效设为投保参数,增设补充性的企业年金奖励。
Firstly this paper analyses original Social Insurance System of province, base this it designs function framework of Core Platform and implement the subsystem of base pay for insurance management. 本文首先分析了原省社保系统,在此基础上设计了RSICP的功能结构,并实现了其中的缴费基数管理子系统。
Knowledge employees 'cafeteria compensation factors can be divided in eight catalogues; they are base pay, short-term incentive compensation, long-term incentive compensation, benefits, accessional pay, career development pay, life quality pay and special holiday pay. 4. 知识型员工的自助式薪酬要素分为八大类:基本工资、短期激励薪酬、长期激励薪酬、福利、附加薪酬、工作发展报酬、生活质量报酬和特殊假期报酬。